Inpatient Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Orlando

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Treating Addiction and Bipolar Disorder Near Orlando

You aren’t alone if you resort to alcohol or drugs to manage bipolar disorder, and you are entitled to expert treatment to move past your addiction. Evolve provides specially designed, compassionate rehab services for individuals battling bipolar disorder and addiction near Orlando. Our well-equipped rehab facility is the right place to begin working through the causes of your drug or alcohol use, including any co-occurring disorders. Contact us at 407-305-3458 and begin your rehab today.

We Help You Break Free From The Pattern Of Self-medication

When living with bipolar disorder, your changes in mood and energy can negatively affect your mental health and way of life. While alcohol and drugs lessen bipolar symptoms temporarily, they also intensify them. As you continue to use substances for additional support, you'll need a bigger dose to feel the same effects. This produces a debilitating habit of self-medication and swiftly turns into addiction.

It’s difficult and dangerous to halt this pattern alone. At Evolve Recovery Center Orlando, we provide treatment for substance use and co-occurring disorders to deal with the very root of your addiction. When you manage the reasons behind your drug or alcohol use, you’ll have a more productive rehab. Dial 407-305-3458 now to begin your custom-tailored rehab and treat your bipolar disorder. Evolve is here to help.

How Evolve Treats Bipolar Disorder And Addiction Near Orlando

Rehab is a vital phase of addiction recovery. Evolve Recovery Center Orlando offers comprehensive rehab support that treats the underlying disorders that lead to substance use. When you exit our rehab center, you will be well on your way to enjoying a sober life with bipolar disorder.

We only use demonstrated treatments at Evolve. When you come to us, you will receive an evaluation that allows us to understand your medical experiences and conditions. Next, we give you a treatment plan personalized to your specific needs. If you need medical care for post-acute withdrawal, our experienced clinicians will administer safe, evidence-based treatments. We will also consult with you to find medication to ease your bipolar symptoms. We are driven to help you feel better so you can confront your addiction head-on.

Bipolar and substance use disorders are consequential mental conditions. In addition to medication, we provide several forms of therapy to improve your mental health. In personal therapy, you’ll work with a credentialed therapist in total confidentiality. In group sessions, you’ll talk about the difficulties of having bipolar and substance use disorders with others who identify with your experience personally.

This blend of therapies will help you begin to manage the mental side of substance use and bipolar disorders. With consistent therapy, you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Delve into the association between your bipolar and substance use
  • Learn how to treat and live with your bipolar disorder in positive ways
  • Learn how to resist the urge to consume addictive substances
  • Cultivate appropriate coping skills
  • Recognize and alter unhelpful patterns of behavior and thinking

Our aim at Evolve is to get you both mentally and physically strong enough to return home and refrain from taking addictive substances. If you’re at risk for relapsing after detoxing from alcohol or drugs, reach out to us at 407-305-3458 for help immediately.

Why Choose Evolve Recovery Center Orlando For Bipolar And Addiction Rehab?

You can’t fight alcohol or drug addiction on your own. Evolve Recovery Center Orlando is here to help. We aim to provide all you need to circumvent relapse and move toward enduring recovery. From the moment you call us, we put your needs first. Our skilled team of practitioners and staff make a concerted effort to provide adept support in a hospitable setting that lets you begin to heal from bipolar and addiction in Orlando.

Some of the ways we help you on your path of recovery include:

  • Evidence-based medical care and psychotherapy personalized to your needs
  • A safe, drug and alcohol-free living environment
  • A tidy, furnished bedroom with attached bathroom
  • Resident fitness center, break areas, and leisure activities
  • Wholesome, chef-made meals, snacks, and drinks
  • Assistance with billing and insurance questions
  • Complete confidentiality and patient privacy
  • Respectful, kind care
  • Counseling to formulate an aftercare plan

If you seek rehab services for substance use and co-occurring disorders, dial 407-305-3458 for prompt assistance. Evolve is prepared to help you right now or supply details about our rehab approach for bipolar disorder and addiction Orlando.

Find Help For Bipolar Disorder And Addiction Near Orlando

You have a right to exceptional rehab treatment for drug or alcohol addiction and bipolar disorder. If Evolve seems like the perfect fit for you, contact us at 407-305-3458 or through the form below. A member of our staff will respond right away, regardless of the hour. We are prepared to assist you today.