How To Manage Life After Rehab Near Orlando
Going through an inpatient rehab program is a crucial part of your recovery from substance use. But, staying sober requires a lifelong commitment. What needs to be done after you leave the controlled environment of rehab to keep on the best path?
You should have an aftercare plan ready to help you handle life near Orlando after drug or alcohol rehab. Adhere to your plan -- in addition to these recommendations -- to help you live sober and advance toward your recovery goals.
Proceed With Outpatient Care
Professional therapy will help you progress in life after drug or alcohol rehab near Orlando. Your after-rehab plan ought to include outpatient care at a reputable center. Keep up with your therapy. Outpatient mental health and addiction facilities have differing levels of care. You may necessitate a program where you attend counseling sessions daily in the beginning. As your recovery progresses, you might graduate to a lighter therapy schedule that lets you continue with your normal life and participate in counseling less frequently.
You could also need medication-assisted treatment at this stage of recovery. Certain prescriptions can help lessen the impact of persistent withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Supervised administration from your medical provider will help you prevent relapse. You might also require medication to manage co-occurring mental health disorders that drive you to consume substances. Treating the origins of your substance use will assist you in staying sober long-term.
Create A Support Network
The people you interact with also greatly impact your ability to stay substance-free in life after rehab near Orlando. Ideally, you’ve already addressed this during inpatient therapy and identified those who will bolster your sobriety and those who won’t. It may be painful to cut ties with friends and family, but right now, you must surround yourself with individuals who will help you stay away from drugs and alcohol. Don’t consort with anyone who will invite or compel you to use again. Have a plan for declining their invitations to get together.
Discover ways to reconcile with caring family members and friends. It may be a challenge at first, but staying substance-free will make it worthwhile. Family counseling is able to help you reestablish relationships with those who care about you. Local support groups and online communities can help you meet people experiencing the same thing as you and further strengthen your network of support.
Locate A Supportive Place To Call Home
Your environment can have a notable influence on your inclination to take habit-forming substances. On-site rehab kept you safe from negative forces and banned access to drugs and alcohol. So, where will you live once you exit rehab? Preferably, you’ll collaborate with your family or roommates to craft a sober surrounding in your current residence so you can feel at ease there. If some individuals make that impractical, think about residing with other supportive relatives or friends for the moment. You can also speak with the team at your rehab to locate a sober living provider that fulfills your needs.
Let Us Help You Manage Life After Rehab In Orlando
Wherever you are in your substance use recovery, you deserve compassionate, personalized care. Evolve Recovery Center Orlando is ready to assist. Place a call to 407-305-3458 or complete the following form to speak with someone now about drug and alcohol recovery. We respond promptly, regardless of the hour or day. We’re here to arrange a free, private consultation now.